
Donate monthly

Make a recurring donation!

Every donation to Southern Cancer Care helps to improve the lives of people living with cancer. Your gift supports our local cancer care centres as they continue to deliver their world-class services.

You can give as little or as much as you like as a monthly donor – select a fixed amount to donate each month when you complete the below form. By donating monthly, your donation can have an ongoing impact.

Not only is it an affordable way to make a consistent contribution, but choosing to donate monthly, offers some other benefits. For example, monthly donations provide a more stable and reliable source of income for Southern Cancer Care, allowing us to better plan our giving campaigns. Your donation will go towards three critical areas of need across all cancers:

  • Research advancing the practice of cancer treatment
  • Building patient-centred facilities
  • Developing multidisciplinary models of care

Regular giving also helps you to stay engaged with the cause you care about and make a real difference within our St George and Sutherland communities.

Thank you for your donation and for improving the lives of people living with cancer.